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lunedì 19 dicembre 2022
Ho sbagliato tutto perché lo vedevo con i miei occhi di Elisa Longo (I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno)
Dopo Buttate la poesia tra le gambe di una donna che passeggia l’autrice racconta l’amore, la vita e gli sbandamenti rovinosi causati dalla perdita di punti di riferimento. Una poetica che celebra i tentativi, le scelte, le rinunce, gli inciampi immancabili del quotidiano. La poetica di Elisa Longo “... è un guardarsi dentro come solo modo di vedere il reale fuori.” Così scrive Enrico Marià nella prefazione. «I miei tentativi amorosi sono passati dal realismo estremo a scorpacciate di fantasia, ho iniziato a chiedermi se vediamo tutto e solo con gli occhi.»
Howard Phillips Lovecraft ... master of horror and suspense!!! by Stefano Donno
Howard Phillips Lovecraft was a master of horror and suspense who left a lasting impact on the genre of horror literature. Born in Providence, Rhode Island in 1890, Lovecraft began writing at a young age and was publishing his own fiction by the age of 16.
Lovecraft's works are known for their vivid and disturbing imagery, as well as their themes of cosmic horror and the unknown. His stories often revolve around ancient deities and monstrous creatures, and the fear and madness that come with encountering them.
One of Lovecraft's most famous works is the novella "The Call of Cthulhu," in which the titular creature awakens from its slumber and drives the protagonist mad with its otherworldly presence. This story, along with others like "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" and "The Rats in the Walls," showcase Lovecraft's ability to craft truly terrifying tales that stay with the reader long after the last page is turned.
Lovecraft's writing style is unique and memorable, with a focus on atmosphere and the power of the unknown to evoke fear. His works have influenced countless writers in the horror genre and beyond, and his legacy continues to be felt in popular culture today.
If you're a fan of horror literature or are just looking to be thoroughly scared, then Howard Phillips Lovecraft is an author you won't want to miss. His works are a must-read for anyone looking to experience the thrill of cosmic horror.
Mazinkaiser (マジンカイザー Majinkaizaa) by Stefano Donno
Mazinkaiser is a beloved anime and manga series that has captured the hearts of fans around the world. The story follows the adventures of Kouji Kabuto, a young man who pilots the super robot Mazinkaiser in a battle to save the world from the evil forces of Doctor Hell and his Mechanical Beasts.
One of the things that sets Mazinkaiser apart from other mecha anime is its blend of action, humor, and heart. The show is filled with intense battles between giant robots, but it also has moments of lightheartedness and character development that make it a well-rounded and enjoyable experience.
The animation and artwork in Mazinkaiser are top-notch, with vivid and detailed character designs and impressive action sequences. The show's music, composed by Hiroyuki Sawano, is also a standout, with epic themes that perfectly complement the on-screen action.
In addition to the anime, Mazinkaiser has also spawned a successful manga series and various video games, merchandise, and other media. It has truly cemented itself as a fan-favorite in the world of mecha and action anime.
If you're a fan of giant robots, intense action, and a dash of humor, then Mazinkaiser is a must-watch. With its memorable characters, epic battles, and overall sense of fun, it's sure to become one of your new favorites.
Timberland .... dare, live on the edge! by Stefano Donno
Timberland is a brand that needs no introduction. With a reputation for quality and durability, Timberland has been a go-to choice for footwear and apparel for decades.
At Timberland, sustainability is a top priority. The brand is committed to using environmentally responsible materials in its products and has a number of initiatives in place to reduce its impact on the planet. For example, Timberland has a "Green Index" rating system that measures the environmental impact of each product, ensuring that consumers can make informed decisions about their purchases.
But Timberland is more than just a responsible company; it's also a fashionable one. The brand offers a wide range of styles for men, women, and children, so there's something for everyone. From classic boots to trendy sneakers and sandals, Timberland has something to suit every taste and occasion.
In addition to its footwear, Timberland also offers a range of clothing and accessories. From jackets and sweatshirts to hats and bags, Timberland has everything you need to complete your look.
One of the things that sets Timberland apart is its commitment to craftsmanship. Each and every product is made with attention to detail and a focus on quality. That's why Timberland products are known for their durability and longevity.
So whether you're looking for a new pair of boots for work, a stylish jacket for the winter months, or just a comfortable pair of sneakers for everyday wear, Timberland has you covered. With a commitment to sustainability and a reputation for excellence, Timberland is the brand you can trust for all of your fashion needs.
Rolex ... passion for precision!!! by Stefano Donno
Rolex is a brand that needs no introduction. Founded in 1905, the Swiss luxury watchmaker has a reputation for producing some of the finest timepieces in the world. From the iconic Oyster Perpetual to the flashy Daytona, Rolex has a watch for every taste and occasion.
One of the things that sets Rolex apart from other luxury watch brands is the company's commitment to quality and craftsmanship. Each and every Rolex watch is made with the utmost attention to detail, using only the finest materials and cutting-edge technology. The result is a watch that is not only visually stunning, but also reliable and accurate.
In addition to their exceptional build quality, Rolex watches are also known for their durability and longevity. Many Rolex models are designed to withstand the toughest conditions, making them the perfect choice for adventurers and outdoors enthusiasts. Whether you're exploring the depths of the ocean or climbing a mountain, a Rolex watch is a reliable companion that you can count on.
But it's not just the functionality of Rolex watches that make them so desirable. The brand's iconic designs have made them a symbol of success and luxury around the world. From the timeless elegance of the Datejust to the sporty flair of the Submariner, there's a Rolex watch for every style and personality.
Whether you're in the market for your first luxury watch or looking to add to your collection, a Rolex is a timeless investment that you'll treasure for years to come. With their unbeatable quality, durability, and style, it's no wonder that Rolex is the go-to choice for discerning watch collectors everywhere. So, if you want to make a statement and invest in a watch that will stand the test of time, look no further than Rolex.
Pompei, 13 dicembre 2022. A conclusione della produzione avviata nell’inverno 2020-2021, è stata inviata e consegnata al Parco Archeologico di Pompei la nuova opera filmica dell’
L’opera sarà presentata in anteprima internazionale al Parco Archeologico di Pompei all’inizio del 2023.
La produzione dell’opera – vincitrice del bando PAC - Piano per l'Arte Contemporanea 2020 promosso e sostenuto dalla Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea – è il risultato della collaborazione fra il Ministero della Cultura e il Parco Archeologico di Pompei nel contesto di Pompeii Commitment. Materie archeologiche, il primo progetto a lungo termine dedicato dal Parco alle arti e culture contemporanee co-ideato da Massimo Osanna e Andrea Viliani, co-curato da quest’ultimo con Stella Bottai, Laura Mariano e Caterina Avataneo, con Responsabile Unico di Progetto Silvia Martina Bertesago, Funzionario archeologo del Parco Archeologico di Pompei, e il supporto scientifico e organizzativo di Anna Civale.
Girata nell’estate del 2022 fra le rovine dell’antica città di Pompei colpita dall’eruzione del vulcano Vesuvio nel 79 DC, la nuova opera filmica di Shawky mostra ciò che affiora alle soglie fra le diverse culture, sia antiche che contemporanee, che rendono il Mediterraneo un vero e proprio teatro in cui si sovrappongono fra loro narrazioni e miti differenti. Basando la sua ampia narrazione su una rigorosa ricerca d’archivio, Shawky rimette in scena le stratificazioni anche contraddittorie della storia, rappresentando la genesi di una pluralità di antichi racconti leggendari attraverso le molteplici e ulteriori versioni che, dello stesso racconto, è possibile rintracciare sulle coste del Mar Mediterraneo.
Già fonte di meraviglia per il moderno Grand Tour occidentale e oggetto di continue scoperte tra XVIII e XIX secolo, i resti archeologici pompeiani testimoniano del resto l’articolato intreccio e la complessa configurazione delle culture/nature mediterranee. La Pompei antica, sede di intensi scambi commerciali, ospitava infatti non solo templi connessi alla religione greco-romana ma anche ai culti egizi (il Tempio di Iside fu dissepolto all’inizio del Grand Tour con i suoi stucchi, statue, affreschi e suppellettili) e ai riti misterici di Mitra, Cibele, Attis, recando innumerevoli tracce di iconografie di per sé sincretiche, testimoniate dalle aree archeologiche utilizzate come set, fra cui Praedia di Giulia Felice, Casa del Frutteto, Odeion, tempio di Vespasiano (Genius Augusti), Tempio di Iside, Necropoli di Porta Nocera, Basilica.
Shawky offre così una lettura ipotetica degli antichi miti di divinità, personaggi fittizi o figure storiche reali, incarnati nell'insieme poroso di templi, sculture, affreschi, mosaici ma anche paesaggi pompeiani in costante trasformazione. Unendo nella sua rappresentazione fantastica e multi-specie esseri immaginifici e esseri umani, piante e animali, Shawky intende Pompei come un multiverso di potenzialità narrative e storiche e come un ecosistema sia culturale che naturale disponibile alla metamorfosi e all’interpretazione.
Nelle sue opere – in cui si articolano film, disegno, scultura, installazione, performance e regia teatrale – Shawky ci indica la necessità di assumere una posizione di consapevolezza nei confronti dei meccanismi, antichi e contemporanei, che indirizzano l’interpretazione e quindi la trasmissione dei fatti storici, sociali e culturali. Narratore di processi di cambiamento e stati conoscitivi sospesi fra il documentabile e l’immaginabile, Shawky esplora i modi in cui sono state scritte e continuano a venire raccontate sia realtà che la finzione, sovrapposte fra loro in modo inestricabile. Le sue narrazioni – risultato di lunghi periodi di ricerca sulle fonti storiche e letterarie – attraversano perciò tempo e spazio per evocare una dimensione al contempo fattuale e fantastica, come se la sua comprensione fosse ancora in corso.
Il nuovo film I Am Hymns of the New Temples rappresenta il culmine della ricerca fra arte e cinema dell’artista, avviata con le precedenti trilogie filmiche Cabaret Crusades (2010-2015) e Al Arab Al Madfuna(2012-2016). In esse Shawky aveva già rimesso in rapporto eventi e personaggi della tradizione egiziana e medio-orientale con una contemporaneità scossa da apparentemente irresolubili contrasti, riraccontando le vicende delle Crociate dalla prospettiva storiografica araba, e utilizzando marionette al posto dei personaggi storici, o affidando a bambini travestiti da adulti il racconto delle antiche tradizioni del villaggio Al Araba Al Madfuna nei pressi di Abydos (antica capitale di un regno faraonico dell’Alto Egitto). In questo modo Shawky rimodella gli eventi storici facendone emergere dinamiche spirituali ancestrali, scrivendo quella Storia che solo la favola può, forse, restituirci nella sua contraddittoria verità e irredimibile umanità: come afferma l'artista stesso, il suo desiderio nel realizzare le sue opere filmiche è quello che esse siano "sufficientemente precise nei dettagli da poter sembrare che esse esistano realmente, da qualche parte”.
I Am Hymns of the New Temples rappresenta la prima opera prodotta nel contesto del progetto Pompeii Commitment. Materie archeologiche, piattaforma dedicata alla formazione della collezione d’arte contemporanea del Parco Archeologico di Pompei, primo sito archeologico al mondo a dotarsi di un programma di lungo termine e di una collezione dedicati a valorizzare e divulgare la contemporaneità dei temi e dei valori espressi dal patrimonio archeologico italiano e internazionale, a partire da quello mediterraneo che oggi corrisponde ai confini moderni fra Egitto, Giordania, Libano, Siria, Turchia, Grecia, Italia, Francia e Spagna.
Come ricorda Gabriel Zuchtriegel, Direttore del Parco Archeologico di Pompei: “la vera archeologia è guardare con occhi sempre nuovi l’antico che già pensiamo di conoscere. Per questo il Parco Archeologico di Pompei crede così fortemente nel valore del dialogo fra archeologia ed arte contemporanea, dialogo capace di ascoltare le storie comuni, avvicinando fra loro i termini geografici e cronologici di una storia, in cui raccontare l’antico vuol semplicemente dire raccontare il contemporaneo a noi”.
domenica 18 dicembre 2022
Le figlie delle onde di Valentina Madonna (I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni)
Durante i lavori di ristrutturazione di un antico palazzo nel centro
storico della città vengono rinvenuti, nei sotterranei, i resti di una
giovane donna sconosciuta. Il prezioso rosario che stringe tra le dita
potrebbe forse rivelare la sua identità: l’iscrizione presente sulla
medaglietta del monile rimanda all'Ancilla Domini, un collegio
seicentesco poco distante, dal quale, in una notte d’estate del 1938,
due studentesse, Miranda D’Amelio e Celeste Barsi, erano svanite nel
nulla insieme a Guido Alatri, il loro affascinante maestro di musica di
origini ebraiche. Partendo da quell’austera struttura religiosa, Anna,
una pronipote di Celeste, riuscirà, tra colpi di scena e incredibili
rivelazioni, a far luce sulle ragioni che costrinsero i tre a fuggire,
facendo emergere dagli abissi del passato una verità scomoda e
inquietante che rimanda agli anni del secondo conflitto mondiale. In una sorta di
vorticosa caccia al tesoro, con una scrittura feroce ed elegante,
l’autrice fa muovere i protagonisti del suo nuovo lavoro tra i vecchi
vicoli della città barocca e lungo le coste frastagliate dello Jonio,
tra le cui onde, come ammalianti sirene, sembrano ondeggiare
sinuosamente amori e torbide passioni, menzogne e segreti, enigmi e
messaggi in codice. Valentina Madonna da vita a un nuovo Mystery che
s’ispira sfacciatamente alla produzione letteraria della sua scrittrice
preferita, Agatha Christie.
Mazinger Z (マジンガーZ Majingā Zetto) super robot! by Stefano Donno
Mazinger Z, also known as "Majingā Zetto" in Japanese, is a classic anime and manga series that has captured the hearts of fans all over the world. First created by Go Nagai in 1972, the story follows a young man named Koji Kabuto as he pilots the titular giant robot, Mazinger Z, to defend humanity against the evil Dr. Hell and his army of mechanical monsters.
With its high-octane action and larger-than-life characters, Mazinger Z is a must-see for fans of science fiction and robot anime. The series is known for its groundbreaking use of mecha designs, which have inspired countless other series in the genre. The iconic robot itself is a marvel of engineering, with a variety of powerful weapons at its disposal, including the "Rocket Punch" and the "Breast Fire" attack.
But the appeal of Mazinger Z goes beyond just the action and special effects. The series also boasts a compelling story and well-developed characters. Koji is a likable and relatable protagonist, and the supporting cast, including the plucky photographer Sayaka Yumi and the mysterious scientist Dr. Juzo Kabuto, all have their own unique personalities and motivations.
Whether you're a long-time fan of the series or a newcomer to the world of Mazinger Z, there's something for everyone to enjoy. The series has been released in various forms over the years, including manga, anime, and live-action adaptations, so there's no shortage of ways to experience the epic adventures of Koji and Mazinger Z.
So if you're looking for a thrilling and unforgettable sci-fi adventure, look no further than Mazinger Z. This classic series is a must-see for fans of the genre, and it's sure to leave a lasting impression on anyone who gives it a chance.
Maybelline New York beauty and stardust by Stefano Donno
Maybelline New York is a world-renowned beauty brand that has been providing high-quality makeup and skincare products to women all over the globe for over 100 years. From bold and dramatic eye makeup to natural and radiant foundations, Maybelline has something for every makeup lover.
One of the things that sets Maybelline apart from other beauty brands is the range of products they offer. Whether you're looking for a long-lasting lipstick, a volumizing mascara, or a shine-free powder, Maybelline has got you covered. And with new and innovative products being released all the time, there's always something new to try and love.
But it's not just the wide selection of products that makes Maybelline stand out. The brand is also committed to using high-quality, skin-loving ingredients in all of their products. From nourishing oils and vitamins to antioxidants and SPF, Maybelline is dedicated to creating products that not only make you look beautiful, but also care for your skin.
In addition to their makeup and skincare lines, Maybelline also offers a range of nail polish, tools, and accessories to complete your beauty routine. From colorful and creative nail polish shades to makeup brushes and sponges, Maybelline has everything you need to create the perfect look.
So why choose Maybelline New York for your beauty needs? Whether you're a makeup beginner or a pro, Maybelline has something for everyone. With a wide range of high-quality products, commitment to using skin-loving ingredients, and constantly evolving selection, Maybelline is a brand you can trust and rely on for all of your beauty needs.
Dolce & Gabbana - luxury and atyle by Stefano Donno
Dolce & Gabbana is a luxury fashion brand that has been in the industry for over three decades. Founded by designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, the brand is known for its high-quality clothing, accessories, and fragrances that exude Italian elegance and glamour.
One of the things that sets Dolce & Gabbana apart from other fashion brands is the attention to detail that goes into every piece. From the fabrics used to the craftsmanship of the garments, every element is carefully chosen and executed to create truly unique and luxurious products.
In addition to their clothing and accessories lines, Dolce & Gabbana also offers a range of fragrances that capture the essence of the brand. From classic scents like Light Blue and The One, to more recent releases like Velvet Desert Oud and Rose The One, there is a fragrance for every mood and occasion.
Dolce & Gabbana is not just a fashion brand, but a lifestyle. From red carpet events to everyday wear, Dolce & Gabbana has something for everyone. Whether you're looking for a statement piece to add to your wardrobe or a classic accessory to elevate your look, Dolce & Gabbana has something for you.
In conclusion, Dolce & Gabbana is a luxurious and sophisticated fashion brand that offers high-quality clothing, accessories, and fragrances for every occasion. With a focus on attention to detail and craftsmanship, Dolce & Gabbana is a brand that exudes Italian glamour and elegance.